Monday, 2 June 2014

Pale by Five Points (4.4%) + Centennial (4.2%) by On The Edge

It has taken a year or two, but we have finally found a fault in The Broadfield Ale House.

It certainly is not the beer. Centennial is a single hop special that weighs in at 4.2% and is produced by the (very) local brewers at On The (Nether) Edge. Although this hop isn`t a favourite of ours, this beer is very nice indeed, even my OH liked it! It pours as a golden-orangey colour with an off-white head. It has a hazy appearance like a school holiday Summer`s day coupled with a grassy and citrus aroma. This brew tastes very moreish and has a nice lingering bitter sweet kiss. On of the best that I have tried from On The Edge.

The Five Points Pale also has a fair old dose of Centennial in there but alongside some other complimentary citrus hops. FPP punches above its ABV / weight as it looks a classic strong IPA colour and tastes `big` too.

It is very hoppy and we both preferred this to the red beer that we had sampled on an early visit. Five Points hale from Hackney (darn that there London) and look like they will enjoy an extended stay at The Broady succeeding Wild in a role as regular guests. This beer suggests that they might just manage to live up to that stellar standard. A contender!

The Points for Five Points

Danny - 8 / 10
Mike  - 8.5 / 10
Oh, and the fault with this brilliant Boozer? Well we have never spotted a beer list with the prices on. Is there one? Maybe it`s hidden in one of the super-cool suitcases. Anyway, the prices are as eye-watering as a super stateside sour brew but, whilst the quality remains, the Broady will continue to thrive!


  1. Haven't managed to catch an On The Edge brew on tap yet! Heading to the Broadfield tomorrow though so here's hoping!

    I've generally found that although there isn't a price list for the beer (or the whisky) the staff are always more than happy to tell you before you commit to buy!!



  2. True Laura but most pubs have a clear price list displayed of the beers available whereas spirits are displayed in a menu at best (?).
